Salesfire's product releases
and updates

Explore how Salesfire is developing its full suite of tools to support growth for your eCommerce business.




Email & SMS campaign

A new campaign is now available in Digital Assistant. The Email & SMS campaign captures valuable email addresses and mobile numbers, identifying more user information for future communications.

Digital Assistant
Email sms image

  AUGUST 2024

Import to Lists

Clients will have the option to control manual data imports via CSV files and automatically add contacts to Lists.

Audiences import image

  AUGUST 2024

Segments: View contacts

A Members tab will be added within Audiences so users can view the contacts within each of their segments and lists.

Contacts image

  JULY 2024

Segments analytics

Get a deeper insight into each Segment created in Salesfire. Analytics for Segments offers users visibility into contact eligibility and growth within every Segment they create.

Segments analytics

  JULY 2024

Segments, Lists & Form Submissions

Updates to the Audiences section of the dashboard will improve how users manage their contacts. This includes a Segments & Lists section and the renaming of ‘Lists’ to Form Submissions.

Segments lists forms image

  JULY 2024

Recommendations: Pricing options

This update allows users to choose how prices are displayed in their on-site Recommendations units. With the option to choose from showing prices with a saving, with RRP and/or with a discount percentage.

RRP and discount image

  JULY 2024

Search: Curated Terms

Curated Search Terms allow users to give individual search terms a specific algorithm, further enhancing search results for individual products.

Curated Terms Image

  JULY 2024

Recommendations - Merchandising - Similar/Bought Together

Display the perfect products in your Recommendations to drive cross-sells and upsells.

Adapt Recommendations algorithms using pinned products to suit your objectives per product. Use your expertise to select the perfect upsell and cross-sell opportunities on your website to improve the customer experience and guide customers to increase AOV.

Product catalogue
Recs:merch - Similar image

  JUNE 2024

Exporting segments

Export segments that have been created in the Salesfire dashboard to use the data in other marketing channels such as ad platforms.

Exp Segments Image

  JUNE 2024

Compliance and privacy updates

A new privacy timeline in customer profiles shows the source and eligibility of each customer in the Salesfire dashboard. Documenting this information allows retailers to review the opt-ins of individual profiles.

Comp and Priv Image

  JUNE 2024

List of imports and exports

Users can now view the status of imports and exports, view records of when contacts have been imported or exported to Salesfire and download exports from this list. Activity logs of imports and exports offer clients more insight into activity history in their dashboard.

Imports and Exp Image

 MAY 2024

Search Promotions analytics

Gain greater insight into the performance of Search Promotions with additional analytics in the Salesfire dashboard including: clicks, click-through rate, conversions, AOV, conversion rate and revenue.

Search promo analytics image

  MAY 2024

Unique offer codes

Unique voucher codes enable retailers to assign individual incentive codes to particular segments of customers for one-time use. This allows retailers to closely track and manage voucher codes and create a set of individual codes for a specific audience to provide more insight into the campaign and usage of codes.

Email & Messaging
Unique vouch codes image

  MAY 2024

Import contacts into segments and lists

Retailers can import their existing audience lists into the Salesfire dashboard to segment them and send Email & Messaging communications.

Import contacts image

  MAY 2024

User profiles

This update showcases more user data and insights, offering a comprehensive view of each user for deeper analysis. Each visitor landing on a retailer's website is profiled and their interests are populated by their on-site behaviours. Over time the following insights will be available: Tracking across multiple devices, Product-level browsing behaviour, Interests, Location, Interaction and influence of Salesfire tools, and Individual user spending and buying history.

User profiles image

  MAY 2024

Search: Pricing options

Users can choose how prices display on products in their Salesfire Search results. Whether they choose to display prices with a saving, with RRP and/or with a discount percentage.

rec RRP and discount image

  APRIL 2024

BigCommerce: Price list feature support

Added support for the BigCommerce price list feature.

BigCommerce image

  APRIL 2024

Eligibility subscriptions

This is part of Salesfire's ongoing focus on GDPR compliance. Eligibility subscriptions will be set against an email address for both data captured with Salesfire tools and when existing audience lists are imported into the Salesfire dashboard to ensure that Email & Messaging sends are compliant. Within Email & Messaging, sequences are marked with 'transactional' or 'marketing' to determine which emails are sent.

Email & Messaging
Eligiblity subcriptions image

  APRIL 2024

Bespoke campaigns

Bespoke campaigns allow retailers to send bespoke email and SMS messages to segmented data sets. These campaigns can be used to send personalised campaigns outside of automated Email Sequences and SMS to specific audience segments tailored to their on-site interests and behaviour to drive re-engagement and guide customers towards a purchase.

Email & Messaging
Bespoke campaigns image


Refresh images

This function allows users to refresh their new product imagery when it has been updated without the URL updating, enabling users to keep their feed up-to-date.

Product catalogue
Refrest images image


Save contents of a basket on Aero Commerce

Retailers on Aero Commerce can link visitors back to the contents of their basket from Email Sequences and SMS. Minimise the steps to conversion by showing the items a shopper has left in their basket when they revisit your website across different devices.

Email & Messaging
Aero basket image



Segment your contacts to run targeted campaigns based on specific on-site behaviour such as repeat buyers, non-buyers, high conversion rates and overall lifetime spend.

Segments image

  JANUARY 2024

Email Sequences: Gmail/Yahoo unsubscribe update

Update across Email & Messaging tool to comply with updates to Gmail and Yahoo.

Email & Messaging
Gmail-yahoo unsub image

  JANUARY 2024

Email & SMS Sequences: SMS analytics

In-depth analytics on Email & Messaging breaks down the performance of SMS campaigns within a sequence.

Email & Messaging
SMS analytics image

  JANUARY 2024

Email Sequences: Sender settings

This update will enable retailers to specify their sender address from Email Sequences. Users must first verify their domain to ensure their emails are delivered and aren't flagged as spam following Google and Yahoo's recent updates.

Email & Messaging
Gmail-yahoo unsub image

  JANUARY 2024

Bulk upload unsubscribers

Simplifying the ability to upload unsubscribed in bulk, users can now bulk upload a CSV of visitors who have requested their email address or mobile number to be unsubscribed from their systems.

Bulk upload unsub image

  JANUARY 2024

Improved statistics for measuring success and information about Lists

Updates to the Lists section of the dashboard offer insight into the performance of individual campaigns. Users can view separate analytics for any email and SMS data collected as well as graphs showcasing total submissions over specific dates.

Email & Messaging
Stats for lists image

  JANUARY 2024

Font Manager

Retailers can use any custom font or Google font in Seach and Recommendations.

Font manager image

  JANUARY 2024

Number of Recommendations slots

Offering even more flexibility within the Recommendations tool, this update means users can now choose to display between one and six product slots in Recommendations units.

Num of recs slots image

  JANUARY 2024

New Search algorithms: Full Priced Products and Discounted Product

The new Full Priced Products algorithm and Discounted Products Search algorithm offer users more control over how full-priced or sale products are weighted in their search results. Whether promoting discounted products or pushing full-priced items, these Search algorithms offer additional flexibility depending on a client’s strategy through their search results.

Search algorrithm_ full price discount image

  JANUARY 2024

Shopify Metafields in Search

This update pulls specialised information from Shopify metafields to add extra custom data to a retailer’s product catalogue in Salesfire. This information then populates custom facets and can be added to filters in Search if required.

Product catalogue
Shopify metafields image

  JANUARY 2024

Goal Incomplete condition

A new condition is now available in Overlays and Digital Assistant. The Goal Incomplete condition empowers retailers to showcase campaigns to users who haven’t subscribed to promote more data collection.

On-Site Messaging
Goal incomplete image

  JANUARY 2024

Digital Assistant: Campaign visibility duration

Retailers can now customise how long a Digital Assistant campaign displays for before closing and being added to the drawer.

Digital Assistant
Campaign vis duration image

In progress


ID Meshing

ID Meshing will identify shoppers across devices, meaning more profiles can be connected to send retargeting emails and SMS marketing to website visitors who have already provided their email address or mobile number.

ID Meshing
ID meshing image


Identity Graph

Offering more insight into ID Meshing, the identity graph showcases how many of your otherwise anonymous users Salesfire can identify automatically.

ID Meshing
ID graph image

Coming soon


Sync unsubscribers

Salesfire will introduce a new webhook event to make external providers aware of unsubscribes on our side. In turn, we will also add a new Salesfire API allowing external providers to make us aware of unsubscribers from their side as well.

Gmail-yahoo unsub image


See contacts totals

By offering a comprehensive view of your total contacts you can monitor your total audience growth over time with Salesfire.

Segments image


Bespoke sends credit check

Salesfire will automatically estimate how many credits a bespoke campaign will use before you schedule your sends.

Email & Messaging
bespoke sends credit check


Email & Messaging send analytics

Monitor the performance of your Email & Messaging campaigns. Track the performance analytics of your email and SMS marketing including open rate, click rate and overall conversions per sequence and send.

Email & Messaging
Email sms send analytics image


Product catalogue: UX updates

Updates to the product catalogue make managing your items in the Salesfire dashboard even easier. With updates including image refresh, exclusions and image tags, it’s even simpler to optimise your product feed using Salesfire’s features.

Product catalogue
Product Catalogue Ux Updates


Guided domain authentication

A guided set-up will be available in the Salesfire dashboard to make it even easier to authenticate your email domain within Salesfire.

Email & Messaging
Domain Authentification